

Blessed Luigi Maria Monti, the founder of the Congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Conception (C.F.I.C), a consecrated religious, called father by veneration, was born at Bovisio, small village of Milan on 24th July ,1825 to the pious parents Angel and Teresa Monti. He was ardent to grow in the faith inherited from parents. When he was 12 Years old his father died and he became the full responsible of his family. Attracted by his zeal, industriousness and spiritual life, numerous friends joined him in prayer and other charitable activities. Eventually the group was called by the people, the company of Friars and they dedicated more time in reciting rosaries, singing psalms and reading spiritual books etc. Luigi was the animator and guide of this group. Unfortunately the authority suspected them and in consequence they were imprisoned. In 1842 he consecrated himself to God by professing the vows of chastity obedience in the hands of this spiritual father, Don Dossi.

I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will
live, even though he dies.

John 11:25

I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will
live, even though he dies.

John 11:25