

It was a fruit of providential coincident between the dreams Fr Jiovani Cazzaniga, the superior general of CFIC, in the year 1973 for an opening in India and the desire of Fr. Mathew Chemarappally the pioneer member of CFIC in India. On 24th June 1972, Fr Mathew along with Fr Victorio visited India to purchase a property. Indian Congregation owes a lot to Mr. James Vellapilly and family for giving away the ownership of their property for the Congregation. Rev. Fr. Victorio met Bishop Cornelius Elanjickal of Vijayapuram Diocese who welcomed and gave permission to open a house, Nirmalgiri, at Mannamala, Peroor on 24th June 1972 which became Congregation’s Mother house in India. 12th 1972 Fr Mathew did his first profession and on 10th September 1973 came back to India to start the new community at Mannamala and thus the congregation officially originated in India. With Gods profuse blessings and the active collaboration of many, the first house Nirmagiri was blessed on 27th May 1976 by Bishop Cornelius.

I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will
live, even though he dies.

John 11:25

I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will
live, even though he dies.

John 11:25