St. Joseph’s English Medium school-History


St. Joseph’s English Medium school, Puthanangadi is the second English Medium School of the CFIC in India. With the version of educational apostolate of CFIC, it started its functioning in June 2003 It had a very simple beginning with100 students six teaching staff and two non teaching staff. The school is affiliated to CBSC New Delhi. The ultimate goal of the school programme is the integral development of student’s personality. The institution indeed, is a realization of the congregation’s aim for assisting the youth in their integral growth. We base our training deeply on the fatherhood of God and the consequent brotherhood of all men. The educational mission of the congregation comprises a variety of duties which converge in the one objective of CHARITY.

I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will
live, even though he dies.

John 11:25

I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will
live, even though he dies.

John 11:25